Five Seasons Becomes Signatory Of Principles For Responsible Investment
- FSV News

Micol Chiesa, Head of Impact Investing at Five Seasons Ventures, said: “We consider that adhering to the Principles for Responsible Investment is a natural step for Five Seasons Ventures, which already invests 100% of the assets according to sustainability principles. Our mission is to innovate in the food supply chain and through this membership, we will strengthen our effort and increase resources dedicated to building a sustainable future”
As a PRI signatory, Five Seasons Ventures will continue to include ESG criteria within its investment processes, report on its responsible-investing adoption annually and increase advocacy and stewardship towards responsible investments.
Ivan Farneti, co-founder of Five Seasons Ventures, said: “Five Seasons Ventures joined the Principles of Responsible Investment because it reflects how we invest and have operated our company from day one. Becoming a signatory will enrich our investment approach, with the aim to continue contributing positively towards a more sustainable food system”.
Niccolò Manzoni, co-founder of Five Seasons Ventures, said: “We are delighted to be part of PRI and continue ensuring that ESG issues play a significant role across the organization’s investment strategies. Our goal is to continue collaborating with peer institutions to further promote sustainable investment practices along the food supply chain and beyond”.
Since 2006, more than 4000 investors have signed up to the PRI, from over 135 countries representing over US $120 trillion in assets under management.
By becoming a signatory Five Seasons has committed to the following principles:
- incorporating ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes
- being an active owner and incorporating ESG issues into ownership policies and practices
- seeking appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which Five Seasons invests
- promoting acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry
- working with the PRI Secretariat and other signatories to enhance their effectiveness in implementing the Principles
- reporting on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles